Archived Topics
- Kentucky Crops
- On-Farm Research, 2012
- Corn, Narrow Rows and Twin Rows, 2009-2010
- Establishing Corn Stands, Ag Expo 2008
- Digital Images 101, Jan. 2008
- Woodford County Meeting, 2007
- Farm Bureau Meeting, 2007
- Corn Growth and Development, 2011
- Critical Yield Factors
Other Resources
- Corn Seeding Rates, 2004-2008
- Corn Hybrid Testing
- Corn Seed Coating and Early Planting, 2003
- Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) Project
- Possible Sidewall Compaction, 2015
- Cutworm and Armyworm Counts, 2015
- Price Risk Management for Grains, 2015
- Corn Seeding Rates in Kentucky, 2015
- Kentucky Yield Contest Winners Honored, 2015
- 2014 Wheat Contest Winners
- Herbicide Resistance Field Day, 2014
- 2014 Kentucky Small Grain Variety Test
- 2014 Kentucky Small Grains Variety Test Spreadsheets
- 2014 Wheat Yield Contest Rules
- Cool and Wet Helps Cutworms, 2014
- Armyworm Moth Flight Takes a Downturn, 2014
- Armyworm Moth Trap Captures Continue to Increase, 2014
- Kentucky Ag Student Learns about US Ag in China, 2014
- Soybean High Yield Checklist, 2014
- Checking for Soil Compaction, 2014
- Timing of Wheat Cover Crop Burndown, 2014
- Corn High Yield Checklist, 2014
- Corn Numbers for Food vs. Fuel, 2013
- 2013 KY Hybrid Corn Test
- 2013 Corn Silage Hybrids Trial
- 2013 Yield Contest Winners
- Herbicide-Resistant Weeds Field School, 2013
- Refuge Requirements in Bt Corn, 2013
- Mycotoxins
- Green Stem Syndrome Complicates Harvest, 2012
- Questions about Aflatoxins and Dairy Cattle
- ID-159: Aflatoxins in Corn
- Laboratories that Test for Mycotoxin Analysis
- Commercially Available Test Kits for Mycotoxin Detection
- Scouting Corn for Aspergillus Ear Rot, 2012
- Fusarium Ear Rot and Fumonisins, 2012
- ID-121: Fumonisin, Vomitoxin, and Other Mycotoxins
- Aflatoxins in Corn, 2010
- Harvesting and Storing Kentucky's 2012 Corn Crop
- Mycotoxin and Dairy Cattle
- Grains Marketing, Early Bird 2011
- Corn and Soybean Presentations, 2011
- Kentucky Basis and Commitment of Traders
- CME Extends Hours
- Corn Planting this Spring
- Armyworm Flights Earlier than Normal, 2012
- Corn Growing Degree Day Calculator for Kentucky
- March Weather is a Poor Indicator of Spring Freeze, 2012
- Burndown Weed Control for Corn and Soybeans, 2012
- Sidewall Compaction Early Hurts Yields Late, 2011
- Planting Corn for Silage, 2011
- Which Fertilizer Recommendation is Best?, 2012
- When Do Soils Get Too Dry for Young Corn?, 2012
- Resources for Late-Planted Corn, 2009
- How Much Insecticide in Corn?, 2009
- Corn Problems in 2011
- Corn Silage Guidelines for 2012
- Rising Input Costs Dampen Commodity Prices, 2008
- Lodged Corn and Harvest Options, 2008
- Drought and Nitrate Concerns, 2007
- Drought Stressed Corn for Silage, 2007
- Frost Damage to Silage Corn, 2003
- Hail Damage to Corn, 2007
- What Foreign Markets Accept Biotech Corn?
- Corn Replanting Options, 2005
- Early Plant Corn - Can Corn be Planted Several Weeks Early?, 2003
- Corn and Soybean Science Newsletter, 2003
- Corn and Soybean Science Newsletter, 2004
- Corn Freeze, 2004
- Fumonisin, 2002
Soy MVP: Soybean Management Verification Program
- Burndown Weed Control for Corn and Soybeans
- Green Stem Syndrome Complicates Harvest
- High-Yield Soybeans
- Bean Leaf Beetles Active
- Japanese Beetle Emergence
- AGR-130: Soybean Planting in Kentucky
- Soybean Forage: Rescue Option
- How Early Can Soybeans be Planted?
- 2004 Soybean Oil and Protein Concentration Program
- Soybean Aphid Management Information
- Statue of Liberty and Soy Oil
- New Soybean Pest for Kentucky?
- Soybean Rust
- Track Soybean Rust
- Determining Soybean First Flowering: 2005 KSB Report
- Soybean Maturity and Soil Type: 2005 KSB Report
- Soybean Populations and Yield: 2005 KSB Report
- Soybean Yield Plateau? McLean County: 2005 KSB Report
- Wheat Production for Straw
- Winter Wheat Seeding Date and Yield
- 2012 Wheat Yield Contest Rules
- Field Challenges around Kentucky
- April Freeze Damage, 2007
- Wheat Freeze Damage Images
- Wheat Freeze Damage
- Other Wheat Fungicides
- PastureWalk
Photo Galleries
- UK Ag Student on Her Way to Bright Future in Ag
- ALS-Resistant Johnsongrass
- AGR-1: Fertilizer Calculator
- Other Soil Calculators
- Dr. Morris Bitzer Honored for No-Till Efforts