About Corn in Kentucky
Corn (Zea mays L.) grown in Kentucky is used mainly for livestock feed (60 percent) and as a cash crop. Corn is grown in every county in Kentucky, with a major portion of the acreage in Western Kentucky. A small percentage of corn is grown for silage. The term "corn" generally refers to the major grain crop in a region. For example, "corn" in Europe or the Middle East would normally refer to wheat. The term "maize" is used across the globe to refer to Zea mays. Corn or maize originated in the Americas, possibly in what is now Mexico. Corn is grown widely across the world, and demand for this feed grain is growing.
Corn Crop Management
Grain Production
Newsletters & Reports
- Corn & Soybean Newsletters
- Corn Research Report, 2023
- Corn Research Report, 2022
- Corn Research Report, 2021
- Corn Research Report, 2020
- Corn Research Report, 2019
Production Stats
General Production
- Corn Hybrid Performance Trials
- ID-139: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
- ID-159: Corn and Soybean Production Calendar
- AG-202: Corn Growth Stages and Growing Degree Days: A Quick Reference Guide
- ID-225: Organic Corn Production in Kentucky
- ID-155: Grain Farming Primer for Landowners
- AGR-187: Estimating Corn Yields
- AGR-18: Grain and Forage Crop Guide for Kentucky
- ID-152: Grazing Corn: An Option for Extending the Grazing Season in Kentucky
- Corn Growing Degree Day Calculator in Kentucky
- Corn Growth and Development
- Kentucky Extension Yield Contest
- Kentucky Planting Date and Blacklayer
- ID-139, Chapter 6: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
- University of Nebraska Irrigation Resources
- University of Georgia Irrigation Resources
- University of Missouri Irrigation Resources
Damage Assessment
- AGR-192: Evaluating Early Season Frost Damage in Corn
- AGR-193: Evaluating Flood Damage in Corn
- AGR-194: Estimating Hail Damage in Corn
- AGR-195: Replanting Options for Corn
- ID-86: Using Drought-Stress Corn: Harvesting, Storage, Feeding, Pricing and Marketing
Harvest & Storage
- Calculators for Grain Harvest and Handling
- ID-139, Chapter 11: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Production
Corn Silage
- AGR-79: Producing Corn for Silage
- AGR-183: Late-Season Frost Damage to Corn for Silage
- PD-152: Grazing Corn: An Option for Extending the Grazing Season in Kentucky
- AGR-202: Corn Growth Stages and Growing Degree Days: A Quick Reference Guide
- Corn Growing Degree Day Calculator in Kentucky
White Corn
Nutrient Management
- AGR-1: Lime and Fertilizer Recommendations
- ID-139, Chapter 7: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
- AGR-92: Sampling Plant Tissue for Nutrient Analysis
- AGR-185: Nitrogen Transformation Inhibitors and Controlled Release Urea
- AGR-180: Corn Stalk Nitrate Test
- ID-225: Organic Corn Production in Kentucky
- Kentucky NRCS Code 590
- USDA Soil Survey
Pest Management
Corn Diseases
- UK Plant Pathology Publications
- ID-139, Chapter 9: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
- Crop Protection Network
- Field Crop Scouting Techniques
- Identifying Corn Ear Diseases
- Pesticide Labels
Corn Insects
- ID-139, Chapter 10: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
- Kentucky Pest News
- Entomology ENT Facts
- Stored Grain Insect Management
- Handy Bt Trait Table
Corn Weeds
- UK Weed Science
- ID-139, Chapter 8: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
- AGR-6: Weed Control Guide Recommendations for Field Crops
- PAT-6: Personal Protective Equipment for Pesticide Applicator
Corn Scouting
Corn Marketing & Economics
- ID-139, Chapter 12: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
- Kentucky Crop Budgets
- Kentucky Grains Economics Publications
- World Ag Supply and Demand Estimates
- ID-155: Grain Farming Primer for Landowners
Corn Handling & Harvesting
- ID-139, Chapter 11: A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky
- USDA Grain Standards
- Grain and Energy Calculators